Erectile Dysfunction : Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Foods To Resolve Proplem, Exercises, Treatment ( Natural Herbs – Surgery) Erectile Dysfunction Medication, Prevention

Additional Tests

Additional tests
Additional tests

The doctor might perform additional tests to help diagnose erectile dysfunction in a patient. These tests include:


An ultrasound helps in examining the blood vessels of the penis to detect any issues with the penile blood flow.

Injection test

The doctor injects a medication into the penis of a patient to stimulate an erection. Injection test allows the doctor to assess the firmness of erection.

Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test

The NPT test evaluates the quality of nocturnal erections by making a patient to wear a portable and battery-powered device on the thigh.

Blood tests

Blood tests can be helpful to look for conditions such as heart disease, low levels of testosterone, thyroid issues, and diabetes. [5]