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Difficulty To Maintain An Erection During Intercourse

Difficulty to maintain an erection during intercourse
Difficulty to maintain an erection during intercourse

An erection issue might occur when a man is not able to keep or maintain an erection that is firm enough to last for a sexual intercourse. A person might get erections in response to sexual stimulations but is not able to keep these erections long enough for a sexual intercourse. Men with erectile dysfunctions might lose the erection before they are ready during the intercourse. Erections problems do not normally affect the sexual drive but they might cause disappointment and doubts in your head regarding your body. However, the problems regarding erection are common among most of the men. Almost all adult males face trouble getting or maintaining an erection at one time or another. But in some men suffering from erectile dysfunction, the inability to keep an erection can be an ongoing issue. According to the doctors, if a person experiences issues in keeping an erection more than 25 percent of the time, then they must consult a doctor as it is a symptom of erectile dysfunction.