Esophageal Cancer: Overview, Causes, Symptoms, Types, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Stages, Prognosis, Metastasis, Survival Rate, Treatment and Prevention

Chest Pain

Chest pain
Chest pain

Sometimes, the individuals have pain or discomfort in the middle portion of their chest. Some people may get a feeling of pressure or a burning sensation in the chest. These are the symptoms that are more frequently caused by conditions other than cancer, such as heartburn, so they are hardly seen as a sign that a person might have cancer.

Swallowing may become irritating if the cancer is large in size such that it limits the passage of food via the esophagus. In medical terms, painful swallowing is referred to as odynophagia.  The feeling of pain may be recognized a few seconds after the process of swallowing, as food or liquid travels near the tumor and has difficulty getting around it.