Everything You Need to Know About Acupuncture – Benefits,Types,Points And Cases That Improved After Acupuncture

Acupuncture for migraines

Migraine is a headache the affects half of the face, and it is the third most common disease worldwide. The headache is recurrent, usually severe, and persist for extended periods may persist for 3 days. It flares up after stress, and migraine patients during the episode are sensitive to intense lights and loud noises. Acupuncture is effective in treating migraine because it reduces stress and improves blood circulation, which helps to remove the toxins from the blood. The best way to treat migraines is electro-puncture because the electrical current can stimulate the brain function and restore the normal brain transmitters’ balance. It helps with the release of endorphins and opioids, which are natural painkillers to reduce the headache and the pain. Acupuncture has anti-inflammatory properties and improves the immune system which helps to reduce the number of episodes of migraines due to infections and inflammation.