Anemia Of Chronic Disorder
This disease is also called the anaemia of inflammation. In this condition, there are many disorders, including cancer, certain infections, immune disorders, and inflammatory diseases. Anaemia of chronic disease may vary from person to person. This disease may be mild or moderate. In benign conditions, the symptoms may include fatigue, paleness of skin, and lightheadedness. And in rare cases, the disease is very severe and usually causes serious complications.
Anaemia can also be caused by a slight shortening of red blood cells in the body because the red blood cells carry oxygen. According to researches, the uneven distribution of iron in the body may cause chronic anaemia. The deficiency the iron causes the body not to create new red blood cells. So, to cope with this disease, it is essential to take iron at the most. Therapies such as oral iron supplements, or intake of vitamins can treat this disease.