Everything You Need to Know About Blood Diseases – Symptoms, Signs, Causes, Diagnosis,Risk Factors,Types and Treatments

Polycythemia Vera

Polycythemia vera is such a type of blood disorder in which the patient’s bone marrow makes a lot of red blood cells than usual. It can also lead to the excessive production of white blood cells and platelets. Due to which the person is more likely to have clots, heart attacks, and stroke.

Most of the people in the world having polycythemia vera does not diagnose until they reach the age of 60 or higher. This disease is most common in men as compared to women.

This disease is mostly inherited transfer from parents to their children.

The symptoms are headaches, double vision, itching, a red face, loss of weight, dizziness, weakness, shortness of breath, and painful joint swelling. The patient’s having PVs usually feels pressure on the chest, ribs, and right side of the arm. And PV’s also enlarged the spleen.

If the person has not too many symptoms of PVs, then there is not a requirement of treatment, but if there are many symptoms appear, then there is a need for surgery. The therapy may include phlebotomy, low-dose aspirin, and medicine to lower blood cells.

To avoid having this disease, the once don’t smoke, exercise regularly, especially do leg and ankle exercises, take a bath or shower daily, and keep your self fit and healthy.