Everything You Need to Know About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – Symptoms,Signs,Causes, Risk factors and Treatments

What are the risk factors of carpal tunnel syndrome?

Many factors that may increase the incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome include,


Age increases the incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome usually affects people between 20 and 60 years. Diseases like diabetes that cause carpal tunnel syndrome are higher in elders.


Carpal tunnel syndrome incidence is three times higher in females than in males. Research has linked a higher incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome in females due to a smaller carpal tunnel and female hormones. Its incidence increases during pregnancy and menstruation because the progesterone hormone keeps more water inside the body causing edema.


Studies show that occupations that require repetitive movements and hand coordination increase the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome. Those jobs include surgeons, tailors, musicians, and backers.

Body weight

Increase body weight puts more strain on the median nerve by increasing the narrowing of the carpal tunnel by fat cells.


Lifting heavyweight without supporting measures will put more stain into the wrist, causing carpal tunnel syndrome.


People with nutrition deficiency such as vegans, vegetarian, and Westernized diets are at risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome because of multivitamin and nutrient deficiency responsible neuritis and edema.