Everything You Need to Know About Migraine – Symptoms, Signs, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatments

Top Causes Of Migraine

Doctors are not totally sure what are the definitive causes of migraines, but they think the imbalance in the levels of certain brain chemicals may play a role. It’s also possible that your genetics and other factors can cause or trigger this condition.

While migraines were once assumed to be more common and severe in those of high intelligence, this does not seem to be true. There are a variety of related psychological conditions, including depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder, as are many biological events that can cause migraines. Although researchers have been unable to determine a cause, they know that there are many factors that increase the risk of migraine, including:

Family history

You have got your chromosomes. If you have migraines in someone in your family, you are more likely to get it than someone without a positive family history.