Fever : What You Need To Know

Drink Tea

Drink Tea

Warm beverages are good to make one feel better if they are feeling low or have a temperature.

  • Yarrow tea-Yarrow tea is good as this herb opens the pores and triggers sweating, reducing the fever. Add half a tablespoon of herb in boiled water, mix it and let it cool a little. Drink it until you start to sweat.
  • Elderflower- It is another herb that helps with the sweat; it is good for many other conditions like overproduction of mucus-like flu or cold. Elderflower tea can be created by mixing two teaspoons of the herb in boiled water, stirring it, and letting it settle for a few minutes. You can strain before drinking it.
  • Ginger- Ginger is a miraculous herb and added to numerous Asian dishes. Consumption of ginger is good for conditions like cold, flu, sore throat, inflammation, and fever. Ginger has antibacterial and antiviral properties that help fight the infection and boost the body’s immunity. Ginger can be consumed as a part of the tea. Add a small piece of ginger in the crushed form in boiled water. Add some honey to enhance the flavor. Drink this tea two to three times a day.
  • Garlic- Garlic is another herb with amazing benefits. The most beneficial ingredients present in this allium family is allicin and diallyl sulfides-sulfurous compounds. These compounds have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Garlic helps to induce sweating and lowers down the fever. Add on a crushed clove of garlic in one hot cup of water. Let is rest for a few minutes and then strain it and drink twice a day to have effective results.
  • Cilantro leaves- The leaves of cilantro have shown to be effective in alleviating the symptoms of fever. Add a hand full of leaves, blend them with 1/3rd cup of water, and then drink it after straining. Taking two teaspoons of the liquid three times daily helps to reduce the fever.
  • Basil- This is an effective herb used to bring the fever down. This herb is as effective as most antibiotics available on the market; it has healing properties that help alleviate the temperature.

Basil tea is very good for health.  Add 10 to 20 basil leaves to a pot and boil them. Then add crushed ginger to it and boil for some time. Add honey and drink 2 to three times a day to get relief.

  • Moringa- Moringa is a tropical plant with a variety of medical and nutritional benefits. This plant contains miracles properties and has vitamins, minerals, and antibacterial agents. A study found moringa to be effective in treating fever in rabbits.

Some researchers suggest this plant to reduce fever in humans too. Moringa tea is very effective in treating various types of conditions, including fever. However, do not drink moringa if you are pregnant.