Heat Rash (Overview, Symptoms, Types , Causes ,Diagnosis, Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)

Heat cramps:

The heat cramps occur due to muscle spasms, especially in the arms, legs, or abdomen. The heat cramps are usually a result of excessive sweating, which causes the body to undergo a low sodium state. The people having heart problems or the people taking low sodium in their diets must need medical attention if they have heat rashes because their sodium reserves are depleting. The person going through heat cramps must stop all the activity to minimize the production of sweat. When someone gets heat cramps, try to place them under shady areas and indoors. Make them drink more fluids or some sports drink having a sodium solution in it. The heat cramps can also lead to heatstroke, and the people might fall out. But when the heat cramps last more than one hour, try to check in with a physician immediately.

The people must consult a skin specialist if they notice any of the following described signs in them because they indicate serious health concerns for a person and just need a professional to resolve:

  • A rash appearing all over the body
  • Having a fever
  • Having intense pain
  • The appearance of big size blisters on the rash area
  • A crusty or bleeding skin lesion
  • The rash appearing suddenly and then spreading all over the body parts
  • The heat rash producing yellow or green fluids