Heat Rash (Overview, Symptoms, Types , Causes ,Diagnosis, Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)

Miliaria Rubra Or Red Heat Rashes:

Miliaria Rubra is a condition that occurs due to the trapping of sweat in the pores of the skin due to prolonged exposure to sunlight. There is the appearance of red bumps on the skin and inflammation in the affected area. The redness of the bumps gives this heat rash the name “Rubra,” which means red. Moreover, due to the blockage of pores in the skin, there is a lack of sweat in the areas of heat rashes. Miliaria Rubra affects the deeper layers of the skin, i.e., the dermis, and is there more uncomfortable for the affected person. In the severe cases of Miliaria rubra, the bumps progress in getting worse and enlarge in size. The swollen bumps turn into pus-filled bumps in severe conditions. There is intense itching on the red rashes, and inflammation might also progress with time.