Heat Rash (Overview, Symptoms, Types , Causes ,Diagnosis, Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)

Heat Rash Symptoms:

As the name indicates, there is a presence of redness on the skin area where there is clogging of pores. Usually, the most common symptoms of heat rashes are swelling and redness of the affected area. The symptoms of heat rash vary with the condition of the patient, and the type of heat rash a person is affected. The signs and symptoms also depend on the type of heat rash a person gets. The symptoms of heat rash range from mild to severe, depending on the skin sensitivity of the person.

In most cases of heat rashes, the symptoms usually go on their own after 2 to 3 days, and the person does not require any medical help from a professional. But when the heat rashes turn into red pus-filled lumps, then it’s the time to consult a skin specialist to determine whether there is the presence of a skin infection or not. The combination of a skin infection, along with the heat rashes, the condition becomes miserable for the affected person, and medical help becomes compulsory for the betterment.

The common body parts that might affect the most from the heat rash are the body parts that suffer more exposure from the sun like hands, feet, neck, face, and elbow folds. The body parts which we usually cover the most with clothing might also face heat rashes such as thigh creases, the abdominal wall, under the breast area, buttocks, and groin. In the covered areas of the body from the sun, rays develop heat rashes as the sweat gets entrapped in the skin layers beneath the surface of the skin. Most of the people suffering from heat rashes experience sensations of skin burning, and they feel more urge to itch in the areas of heat rashes. While some people affected by heat rashes also experience a blister-like rash in which there are tiny blisters formation all over the surface of the skin. The blister-like rash itches a lot, and the itching tends to increase the inflammation of the skin area.

Redness of skin:

As a result of the prolonged exposure to heat and sunlight, the sweat ducts sometimes gets blocked due to the debris and the dirt on the surface of the skin. The clogging of sweat ducts causes less or sometimes nor perspiration, which causes the formation of red bumps on the skin surface. The tiny red bumps indicate the presence of Miliaria Rubra in the affected person, which is a type of heat rash. In the condition of Miliaria rubra, there is inflammation in the deeper layers of the skin. The inflammation in the deeper layers of the skin causes burning and itching sensation on the surface of the skin. The red heat rashes or Miliaria Rubra causes the redness of skin along with the formation of tiny blisters on the skin surface.

The red bumps itch a lot, and therefore, there is more swelling due to all the itching, thus making the affected person super uncomfortable. The redness of skin often occurs in the areas of the body where the clothing is tight, and there is no air circulation to cool down the skin in the heat. The skin rash appears scarlet red on the surface of the skin with tiny bumps. The redness of the skin might be a sign of measles in the case of infants and young children. As the redness on the surface of the skin due to Miliaria rubra is so itchy, so it is also known as prickly heat rash.