Heat Rash (Overview, Symptoms, Types , Causes ,Diagnosis, Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)

Itching and Burning Of Skin:

Due to the blockage of sweat ducts under the skin layers, there is the development of heat rashes, which leave the skin itchy and burning. The itching sensation causes a lot of trouble for the person affecting heat rashes. There is always an uncontrollable urge to make you scratch your skin in the affected areas due to heat rash. The person affecting from heat rash wants to scratch the area to relieve the feeling of itching. There is also the development of red skin hives from the hot weather as your skin reacts to the heat, and there is no sweat evaporation to help cool down the skin. After a workout or a prolonged exposure to sunlight, there is an itching sensation on the skin. The people who tend to scratch their skin in order to satisfy themselves often leave their skin burning as all the scratching aggravates the inflammation of the skin in the scratched areas.