Hemorrhoids (Overview, Symptoms, Causes , Types ,Diagnosis, Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)

Types of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are very common among adults and older adults. According to a study, almost three of every four will adults suffer from hemorrhoids at one point in their lives. There are many types of hemorrhoids, out of which some produce many severe symptoms in the person affecting from those types of hemorrhoids. Following are the different types of hemorrhoids:

Internal hemorrhoids:

The internal type of hemorrhoids appears in the rectum of the patients. It is very difficult to visibly diagnose these internal hemorrhoids as they are present too deep in the rectum. The internal hemorrhoids usually heal on their own and go away, so it is not a severe condition for the patient having internal hemorrhoids. But in some severe conditions, internal hemorrhoids might swell and stick out of your rectum. As there are not any nerves present in the rectum, so the patients having these hemorrhoids in their rectum does not detect any pain. Therefore the condition of internal hemorrhoids sometimes is not noticeable for even the patient.

If the internal hemorrhoids go unnoticeable, they cause several symptoms while swelling and worsening the condition. The hemorrhoids grow more significant, producing various symptoms, and some of these symptoms include:

Itching in anus

  • Pain or discomfort while excreting the bowels
  • Burning sensation in rectum and anus
  • Swelling near the anus
  • Noticeable lumps in anus

The patients having internal hemorrhoids face the irritation in the rectum as the faeces travelling through the rectum might irritate the hemorrhoids. The irritation in the hemorrhoids might result in bleeding that the patient notices on his toilet paper. The patients suffering from pain or discomfort from internal hemorrhoids must go for a checkup by the doctor as soon as possible.