Herpes: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Herpes Treatment (Home Remedies)

Herpes Treatment (Home Remedies)
Herpes Treatment (Home Remedies)

There are several treatment options available for herpes including home remedies, dietary changes, and medications.

Home Remedies

Several of the home remedies might aid in easing discomfort and pain associated with herpes blisters. To have relief, try applying the following on the sores:

  • A paste of cornstarch or baking soda and water
  • Aloe Vera
  • A cold or warm compress
  • Eucalyptus, tea tree, or peppermint oil (always first dilute with a carrier oil)

Some research recommends consuming a daily supplement of lysine might also aid in preventing herpes episodes. Dosage estimation might vary, but taking between 1 and 3 grams of lysine daily seems to be healthy for limiting recurrent episodes and managing symptoms. The following might aid in relieving herpes symptoms for most people:

  • Applying aloe vera gel on the sores
  • Squirting water from your bottle onto the blisters to reduce pain while urinating
  • Dabbing cornstarch on the affected sites

Therefore, no research shows whether these remedies could work or not. An individual might also try:

  • Applying a lotion or cream to the urethra before urination, such as on that consist of lidocaine
  • Putting petroleum jelly on the affected sites
  • Taking pain-relieving medicines, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen
  • Wearing loose clothes to avoid irritation
  • Bathing in a bit of salted water or soaking in a lukewarm sitz bath
  • Avoid sexual activity, even using protection, unless symptoms have gone

Some individuals find that utilizing ice packs aid. Never apply ice on your skin directly and first wrap it in a cloth.