Herpes: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Diet Changes

Diet Changes
Diet Changes

Consuming the right foods and limiting certain ingredients might boost your immune system and aid your body to treat the herpes virus. Anecdotal evidence highly recommends that changes in your diet might aid in preventing outbreaks. Therefore, more research is required, clinical evidence supports few such claims.

  • Antioxidant-rich veggies

Consuming vegetables high in antioxidants might enhance your immune system and might reduce inflammation. Spinach, cauliflower, tomatoes, and kale are high in free radicals that bind antioxidants. They also consist of lysine rather than arginine, the ratio of amino acids that is essential in reducing herpes.

  • Protein

Eating a healthy portion of protein is essential to the body’s immune system to respond to other pathogens and herpes viruses. Take a diet rich in protein and low in saturated fat by consuming a lot of eggs, almonds, and oats.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 chain fatty acids might be useful in boosting your immune system to manage conditions of chronic inflammation. Mackerel, salmon, chia seeds, and flaxseeds are high in these fatty acids.

  • Vitamin C

Researchers also find out that vitamin C might effectively speed up the process of healing of herpes outbreak. It might also be aiding in prolonging the time between these outbreaks. Colorful veggies and fruits such as oranges, peppers, and strawberries are high in vitamin C. Papaya and mango fruits also consist of vitamins without mixing an increasing amount of lysine in your diet.

  • Zinc

Zinc therapy might lower the rate of herpes outbreaks you have during giving you a long time between these outbreaks. You might raise the zinc in the diet by consuming chickpeas, pork, wheat germ, and lamb.