High cholesterol (Overview, Signs ,Symptoms, Types , Causes , Foods To Eat , Foods To Avoid,Diagnosis, Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)

20 High Cholesterol Causes

As we know that high cholesterol does not depict any apparent signs and symptoms, but the blood analysis can give the amount of cholesterol you are having in your blood. Usually, the lipid profile from the blood sample gives the total amount of triglycerides, LDL, HDL, VLDL, and ILDL levels in the blood. The lipid profile is the indication of the total amount of fat in a person’s body. Having higher amounts of triglycerides and LDL can increase your chances of getting other chronic health disorders like heart diseases, peripheral artery disease (PAD), and high blood pressure or hypertension.

However, the factors that can cause high cholesterol are mostly smoking, obesity or having higher fat deposits in your body, sedentary or inactive lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, and much more. These factors lead to the gradual accumulation of cholesterol on the walls of the arteries in your heart mostly and impair the normal functioning of the heart. But we are in absolute authority to control these factors by incorporating healthy lifestyle habits and making clean eating choices. But some of the factors are not under your control like genetic predisposition of having more cholesterol accumulation, so the regular blood examination is the only way to avoid any type of abnormality in your blood cholesterol levels.

Following are the twenty causes that lead to the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood and body parts:

Unhealthy eating habits

The higher intake of deep-fried foods and foods higher in sugar increase the cholesterol levels in your blood. The higher amount of carbohydrates coming from bakery products is loading calories that are body doesn’t require. The excess amount of carbohydrates becomes fatty acids in the body through metabolism, and these fatty acids breakdown into cholesterol by the liver. The new load of cholesterol adds up in the blood and increases the blood cholesterol levels. The higher amount of blood cholesterol levels starts accumulating in the walls of the arteries of the heart. This accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries of heart eventually increases your risk of getting heart diseases. Also, the fried foods contain ample amount of trans fats which are already very detrimental for your heart health.