Hip Pain Treatment Options

Patient Education and Activity Modification

Patient Education and Activity Modification
Patient Education and Activity Modification

Many people who suffer from hip pain commonly perform activities such as jogging, jumping, and lifting heavy objects. As a result, they can develop further problems related to the hips.

Educating patients about activity modification is essential, along with medical treatment. Some recommendations your doctor can give you include:

  • Avoid repetitive movements with your hip. If you’re in the gym, consider reducing the number of repetitions.
  • If you feel pain, stop doing the activity that triggered pain or take frequent breaks.
  • Take smaller steps when walking and jogging instead of running if you experience hip pain.
  • When sitting, adjust the seat a bit higher to keep your knees below the hips. This reduces strain in the articulation.

Remember that recommendations can vary widely depending on your diagnosis, age, and many other variables. Thus, instead of applying these tips blindly, use them as a general recommendation and talk to your doctor about them to get personalized advice.