HIV (Overview, Signs and Symptoms, Complication, Causes and Risk factors, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention)

The following actions are highly effective for preventing HIV

Before discussing the different treatment options available for HIV infection. The most important management strategy is to prevent and protect yourself from HIV. In the case of HIV infection, prevention is better than antiretroviral therapy. Prevention will reduce the risk of HIV infection by limiting exposure to risk factors. The following are different preventive measures that should be kept in mind and followed to live a healthy and quality life.

  • Ensure the use of condoms and other steps to protect against the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Don’t expose the body part especially the open sore or wounds to HIV contaminated blood and other fluids.
  • Avoid needle sharing and verify the syringes or needle before administering medications.
  • Take precautionary and safety measures during shaving or making tattoos. Adopt and practice clean and proper hygiene.
  • The individuals with HIV infection should keep social distance, adhere to ART, dispose of the fluids, be optimistic and do their best to not spread HIV to healthy individuals.
  • Use ART and follow strict measures during pregnancy to protect the fetus and also do not feed your babies if you are HIV positive.
  • Avoid the use of certain herbs like ST john warts and Garlic supplement, that may interfere with the ART.