Home Remedies, Exercises and Stretches For Elbow Pain

Additional Home Treatments You Can Try

Additional Home Treatments You Can Try
Additional Home Treatments You Can Try

The RISE method is fundamental in treating elbow pain at home. But there are additional therapeutic tools you can try. They include over-the-counter medications most of us have at hand in the first aids kit, a few dietary changes, and additional measures.

  • Using over-the-counter medications: Anti-inflammatory medications usually provide rapid relief to elbow pain. They won’t solve the cause, and you should remember they have gastrointestinal side effects. Still, it reduces swelling and inflammation, which makes OTC medications an important home measure. However, remember it is a synthetic drug and should be used according to your doctor’s recommendations. Also, if you have organ damage, such as liver disease or renal insufficiency, ask your doctor about the most appropriate dose.
  • Dietary recommendations: Inflammation is a common component of elbow pain, especially in diseases such as bursitis. In such cases, dietary advice can provide some relief by reducing the intensity of inflammation. There are inflammatory foods, such as fried foods, which should be avoided. Instead, we should consume an anti-inflammatory diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, fatty fish, and olive oil. Some spices, such as turmeric and ginger, have a very potent anti-inflammatory potential.
  • Additional home measures: We can use extra measures that calm the body and mind, modulating the pain sensation. For instance, we can apply essential oils with a carrier oil directly to the skin. Lavender, lemongrass, peppermint, and cypress essential oils can be useful for that. They also provide aromatherapy effects that soothe your mind. If you feel that anger or anxiety increases the pain sensation, this method can contribute to relieving pain.