Human papillomavirus (HPV) : Definition, Symptoms ( man & Women ), Causes, Types, HPV Vaccine Advantages & Disadvantages, Treatment & Prevention

Causes Of Human Papilloma Virus

Causes Of Human Papilloma Virus
Causes Of Human Papilloma Virus

The most common agent causing warts, which are benign tumors, and cervical cancer, which is a malignant tumor, is the human papilloma virus. The causative agent is a virus which spreads among people through sexual contact and skin-to-skin contact. In the following subheadings, are listed some ways which cause viral transmission from one to another person. [5]


An already infected person with HIV may have warts anywhere on the body. Itching these warts can make the fingernails infected. The periungal warts in the folds of nails are the result of such autoinfection. The infection can also spread from an infected site to an uninfected site by touch of an infected finger. This can be the non-sexual way virus can be transmitted to cause the genital warts seen in virgin females and children. Autoinfection or self-inoculation is hence a result of poor hygiene practices; insufficient and improper hand washing.