Knee Pain, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment (Home Remedies) You Should Never Ignore


Knee joint infections are another common cause of knee pain and other associated symptoms. The most common infection that involves the knee joint is cellulitis. It is a serious bacterial infection that affects the overlying skin and surrounding area. Cellulitis often develops secondary to the negligence in treatment by the patient after a simple scrap or skin infection.

Symptoms of the cellulitis include extreme pain and tenderness, redness and warmth of the infected area, mild to moderate fever and if severe, gangrene of the skin. It can also spread to involve other areas of the body such as blood, surrounding soft tissues, and lymph nodes. If diagnosed later or left untreated, this skin infection can be life-threatening.

You can easily pick cellulitis by paying close attention to any bruise or scrape that don’t seem to be healing after 3-4 days. In most cases, antibiotics do the work, and you don’t have to visit doctors for further management. However, it can become severe and involve the knee joint to cause septic arthritis. As already discussed, septic arthritis can cause pain, swelling, and immobility in the knee joint.