Knee Pain, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment (Home Remedies) You Should Never Ignore

Treatment – Home Remedies

Weight loss and diet

The best treatment is to focus on reducing the risk factors of the disease. Poor dietary intake and obesity is a common risk factor for knee pain and several other diseases. Carrying extra weight puts stress on the knee joints and demand more work to do. Shedding those extra pounds around the belly and thighs can help reverse the risk factor and reduce the long term knee pain caused by arthritis and other joint conditions.

Being overweight also increases the risk of inflammation, which can exacerbate knee symptoms. You can control your weight by exercising and eating a balanced diet that’s high in fiber, fruit, and vegetables, and low in animal fat, cholesterol, and meat. Mediterranean-style diet is often recommended by doctors and organizations like the Arthritis Foundation. Such a diet is rich in fresh produce and helps reduce active inflammation throughout the body.

Don’t forget to consult your physician or dietitian before starting any specific diet plan that claims to be good for knee pain.