Knee Pain, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment (Home Remedies) You Should Never Ignore


You can take over-the-counter medications to get pain relief and reduce inflammation. The most common medications used to reduce knee pain include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These medications can help with knee pain and associated symptoms caused by arthritis and other joint conditions.

According to one study conducted in 2015, researchers have found the following number of drugs to treat knee pain and associated symptoms. These include;

  • Acetaminophen (Paracetamol, Tylenol)
  • Celecoxib
  • Diclofenac sodium/potassium
  • Naproxen
  • Ibuprofen
  • Intra-articular hyaluronic acid
  • Intra-articular corticosteroids

Detailed studies and clinical trials show that intra-articular drugs that are directly injected into a joint seem most effective. Various combinations of drugs such as chondroitin sulfate and Glucosamine have also been tested for effectiveness and safety and looks promising in more than 80 percent patients.