Knee Pain, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment (Home Remedies) You Should Never Ignore

Inability to fully straighten the knee

It can either be due to a fracture or accumulation of blood under the skin that prevents the knee joint from full extension.

Depending on the cause of the problem, the severity and location of the pain may vary. Here’s a look at some specific symptoms of the common causes of knee pain.

Sprains and strains :

Mild to moderate pain after twisting , overstretching, overusing of the knee joint – often during exercise.


Pain between your shin and kneecap – often caused by repetitive strain injury, such as running or jumping.

Torn ligament, tendon or meniscus:

Unable to straighten your leg. It is usually accompanied by a popping sound during an injury

Osgood-Schlatter’s disease:

Causes pain and swelling below the knee cap. More common in teenagers and young adults

Dislocated kneecap:

A sudden and sharp pain in the kneecap. The dislocation may cause changes in the shape of the patella after a sudden change in direction or a collision


A disease of older people and post-menopausal women. Causes pain, mild swelling and stiffness in both knees


Characterized by a pain with redness and warmth knee. Kneeling or bending legs makes pain and swelling worse

Bleeding in the joint:

Pain along with swelling, warmth, and bruising

Gout or septic arthritis:

Sudden attacks of moderate to severe pain along with redness and warmth