LASIK surgery: Is It Right For You?

Eye Drops

Eye drops
Eye drops

Eye drops

These supplements aid in lubricating the cornea surface of an eye. Tear supplements opt to be the very first treatment for the dryness of the eyes, and people may purchase them even without a prescription.

Punctual plugs

These are small gel-like or silicon plug that leads to the blockage of tear ducts to help in preventing drainage of tears out of the eye, aiding the eye to remain moist.

Autologous serum eye drops

As the name reflects, these eye drops are made for individuals by utilizing their blood. The goal is to make tear supplements just like to a person’s real tears as possible.

Anti-inflammatory agents

The symptoms of dry eyes might result from the inflammation of an eye, obstruction in tear production. An eye doctor (ophthalmologist) might prescribe medications like liftiegrast (Xiidra) or cyclosporine (Restasis) or eye drops.

to lessen the risk of dryness of eye symptoms post-surgery, an individual should ensure to consume any medication provide to them as their eye doctor says and obey their instructions on how fast to recover. The steps that may further reduce the risk of dryness of the eye consist of:

  • Attaining enough sleep
  • Keep yourself hydrated by drinking water as much as you can
  • Avoiding dry environments
  • Utilizing a humidifier
  • Wearing sunglasses when going out to keep your eyes protected from any sort of irritants

Some evidence also recommends that the intake of essential fatty acids, like omega-3 fatty acids, might reduce the symptoms of dry eyes in most people. People can take these fatty acids through the foods like tuna and salmon or by consuming supplements.