LASIK surgery: Is It Right For You?

Follow-up Surgery

Follow-up Surgery
Follow-up Surgery

After having LASIK surgery, it is necessary to follow up as your eye specialist advises. Typically, you need a check-up consultation within 24 to 48 hours post-surgery. While this appointment, your eye surgeon or healthcare provider will check your eyes and test your eyesight. He/she might provide you with some medicated eye drops such as steroids or antibiotics to aid in preventing inflammation and infection.

During the session of the upcoming six months, you might face some vision disturbances and fluctuations. Most commonly, you can experience night vision and dry eyes symptoms such as halos or seeing glares around the lights. As a consequence, you might have various additional appointment follow-ups to check the betterment of your eye recovery and healing. Your appointments are crucial to your complete vision and recovery. They don’t be avoided.