LASIK surgery: Is It Right For You?

Dealing With Recovery

Dealing With Recovery
Dealing With Recovery

Typically said, patients are satisfied and happy after having LASIK eye surgery. The majority attain at least 20/40 visual ability (without contact lenses or glasses). Almost 90% of people attain 20/20 visual acuity. However, during six months, some patients face difficulty by new eye symptoms such as glare, double images, starbursts, or halos) and dry eyes. If this happens to you, immediately contact or visit your healthcare provider or eye specialist. They may be able to give you the advice you want (that the symptoms will fix by the time) or provide treatment to treat the symptom.

Some people like to wear contact lenses or eyeglasses post-surgery because of blurry vision or because of the mild and refractive residual error post-surgery. While glasses are okay to wear if your eye surgeon advises you to hold on for two to three months before wearing contact lenses to let adequate time for the process of healing.