LASIK surgery: Is It Right For You?

How’s Life After LASIK?

How’s life after LASIK?
How’s life after LASIK?

How much time requires for the recovery of LASIK eye surgery? Ongoing LASIK for myopia (nearsightedness) is relatively a painless and quick process. As referred by Mayo Clinic, the process only lasts for 30 minutes typically and numbing eye drops are given to the patients so that they don’t feel anything while this process carries out. (5)

Your choices

Rely on contact lenses or glasses for visible and clear vision.

Have surgery to improve your nearsightedness. (You might need to wear contact lenses or glasses still some part of the time).

Key points

  • The surgery may cause certain side effects. The most occurring one is a cloudy vision that mostly goes out but you may require treatment further.
  • LASIK surgery can only take a few minutes for a single eye and aids you to see properly so fast.
  • The surgery may cost too much. It is rarely done by private health insurance or provincial health plans.
  • Even when the surgery provides you with 20/20 vision, it does not alter the normal aging of an eye. So you might need glasses still after the age of 40.
  • You might still require wearing contact lenses or glasses sometimes because LASIK surgery does not always provide 20/20 vision.