Low Blood Glucose (Hypoglycemia): Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Foods, Treatment and Management

Being nervous or anxious

Being nervous or anxious

The fluctuation in blood glucose level due to whatever reason, leads to the body’s stress mechanism activation, which results in anxiety and nervousness. Dropping of glucose level in blood leads to the disability of the person to focus and stay active as there is a limited supply of glucose or energy for the brain cells to work correctly. According to the studies, people suffering from hypoglycemia have a higher likelihood of acquiring anxiety and other stress disorders than the average population. Almost 40% of the people suffering from hypoglycemia experience anxiety and nervousness, which is most common among older adults. The episodes of hypoglycemia trigger the condition of anxiety by making it worse. The reason for the increased likelihood of anxiety in the patients of hypoglycemia indicates that the hypoglycemic condition stimulates metabolic and chemical changes in the body which in turn affect the brain’s part responsible in processing anxiety or stress.