Lung Cancer (Overview, Symptoms, Types, Diagnosing, Causes and Treatment)

Types Of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer that arises in the bronchi is also known as “bronchogenic carcinoma.” Depending upon the magnitude and appearance of the cancerous cells under the microscope health care professional broadly classified lung cancer into two types:

  • Small-cell lung cancer (SCLC)
  • Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC)

Small-cell lung cancer (SCLC):

Small-cell lung cancers comprise almost 20% cases of all lung cancers. This cancer is the most fastly spreading and destructive type of lung cancer. It mostly occurs in smokers, while non-smokers have only a 1% chance of developing SCLC. Small-cell lung cancer grows quickly to the other body parts and typically diagnosed after they have affected many parts of the body. These cancers are also known as “oat cell carcinomas” owing to the specific shape of these cells when examined under the microscope.