Lymphoma cancer- Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Diagnosis, and Treatment

14 Early Symptoms Of  Lymphoma cancer

Symptoms of lymphoma can vary from mild illness to serious conditions such as infections. The following are the most common symptoms of lymphoma cancer.

Swollen lymph nodes

The accumulation of cancerous cells in the lymph nodes causes the inflammation of lymph nodes. The swelling of lymph nodes is the most common symptom of lymphoma. The swollen lymph nodes are painless but sometimes can cause pain and aches in nearby areas. They have a rubbery texture and can move by pressing. Swollen lymph nodes most commonly occur in the groin, armpit, and neck. Swollen lymph nodes can occur in only one area of the body or throughout the body, which is not common in Hodgkin lymphoma. Swollen lymph nodes present near the outer surface of the skin can easily be diagnosed than those present deeper like in the stomach and abdomen.