Medical Treatment For Hand Pain



Hand pain can be a frustrating, persistent problem. It can make it hard to do what you love, and it’s not uncommon for people suffering from hand pain to feel isolated and alone.

An injury usually causes hand pain, but sometimes it results from repetitive movements that strain your muscles and joints. In some cases, hand pain is caused by nerve damage or other health conditions.

Hand pain often responds well to treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and physical therapy. Still, seeing a doctor is essential if your hand pain is severe or chronic. Treatment depends on the underlying cause of your hand pain.

For instance, in carpal tunnel syndrome, splinting and oral medications are the mainstream therapy in mild and moderate cases. At the same time, severe pain improves with corticosteroid injections and surgery. In arthritis, it is essential to remember the different types of arthritis, which may respond to disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs, over-the-counter medications, corticosteroid injections, or surgical treatments.

Since hand pain is variable and there are different medical treatments available, only a skilled professional can help you determine which is more recommended in your case. Thus, talk to your doctor as soon as possible if your hand pain is continuous despite rest and over-the-counter medications if you had recent trauma or experienced severe symptoms.