Most Common Causes, Symptoms and Home Remedies Of Stomach Ulcers That Require Immediate Attention

Alcoholic Beverages

Although moderate drinking is not going to cause an ulcer, experts see heavy drinking as a significant risk factor.

Moderate drinking can actually help protect the stomach from H. Pylori, the most ulcer-causing bacteria. Drinking too much, however, can irritate the lining of the stomach, leading to inflammation. Any form of stomach inflammation increases the risk of developing an ulcer. It can also hinder the healing of current ulcers. Heavy drinking also increases stomach acidity, making you more vulnerable to ulcers.

A 2000 study from the American Gastroenterology Journal notes that fermented and non-distilled alcoholic beverages raise stomach acid levels increases its production. Smoking is another factor, along with alcohol, that may increase your risk of developing peptic ulcers.