Most Common Symptoms and Effective Treatment Via Food For Irritable Bowel Syndrome That Require Immediate Attention

What Should You Not Eat For IBS?

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is an unpleasant and often painful gastrointestinal condition. Symptoms vary from person to person in most cases, but some foods cause bloating and cramping in most cases. Doctors usually advise IBS patients to increase soluble fiber and decrease insoluble fiber, especially when coping with predominant-diarrhea IBS. The foods that cause IBS symptoms also vary slightly between people with the condition, although there are several common foods that can trigger symptoms. The following are some common foods and food groups that you should avoid.


While drinking milk, many people – not just those with IBS may feel discomfort. Lactose intolerance and symptoms of IBS are nearly identical, so some people with IBS may not even know they are intolerant to lactose, and vice versa. Milk is high in fat and can cause diarrhea and other associated signs of IBS. Often, milk fat can cause loose intestines and irritation.

In many recipes, almond, coconut, and hemp milk can be used to substitute dairy milk.