Most Common Symptoms and Effective Treatment Via Food For Irritable Bowel Syndrome That Require Immediate Attention

What You Need to Eat For IBS

People with IBS tend to focus primarily on eating foods that will not make their IBS worse. What is missing is an emphasis on what foods they can enjoy and those that can actually contribute to improving their IBS. Some of the best food you can enjoy include;

Lean Meats

Lean meats consist primarily of protein. Protein is easily digestible and can not be processed by intestinal bacteria — which means no harmful intestinal gas! Therefore, you can eat with courage any of the following lean meat options;

  • Lean cuts of beef
  • Chicken
  • White meat turkey

Fatty meats contain inflammatory fats or toxins that are unhealthy. Hence avoid dark meat chicken or turkey and marbled beef cuts. The only exception to this principle is if you can manage grass-fed (beef), free-range (poultry), or pasture-grown (pork). Because these animals were raised under optimal conditions, some people argue that their fat content can actually benefit the gut bacteria.