Most Common Symptoms and Effective Treatment Via Food For Irritable Bowel Syndrome That Require Immediate Attention


Constipation occurs when people with IBS find it difficult to pass stool. We said a person had developed constipation when he or she has hard, dry, or lumpy stools, fewer than three (some doctors say four) bowel movements in a week, a feeling of incomplete bowel movement, or difficulty or pain when passing stool.

There are many potential triggers and causes of constipation in IBS, including dehydration, stress, and lack of dietary fiber. IBS can also cause constipation by influencing the contraction of muscles in the stomach. When someone has constipation, their gut muscles are not able to contract as much as they should to produce a normal bowel movement. Depending on your specific symptoms, a physician may refer to the following types of IBS:

  • IBS with predominant diarrhea – which includes diarrhea as major complaint and only occasional constipation
  • IBS with predominant constipation –which includes constipation as a major complaint and only occasional diarrhea
  • Intermittent constipation and diarrhea –Mixed or intermittent constipation and diarrhea affects about 20 percent of IBS patients. IBS diarrhea and constipation present in the form of chronic abdominal pain that is recurring. Pain is the most significant indicator that tells that bowel changes are not related to diet or mild infections. With more frequent and extreme symptoms, this form of IBS appears to be more severe than the others.

Mixed IBS symptoms often differ from person to person. This disorder also requires an individualized treatment plan rather than guidelines for “one-size-fits-all”.