Muscular Dystrophy, Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Treatment, and Management

Treatment of swallowing problem

Treatment of swallowing problem

In MD, the body muscles start to become weak, and with time, a person can develop swallowing problems. The people with swallowing problems find it difficult to swallow semi-solids and liquid food. Treatment is suggested depending upon the severity of the condition. The dietitian can modify the consistency of the food. The therapist can teach some exercises of mouth and speech to improve the swallowing.

If the result is not satisfactory, then surgery is performed. Surgery is simple and involves cutting of muscle in the throat. A small balloon is inflated in the gullet to expand it. The condition can become extreme sever that a person may not swallow anything and not get enough nutrition. In that case, the feeding tube is surgically implanted in the stomach through the abdomen, and nutrients are provided through that tube.