Myasthenia Gravis : Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Pathophysiology, Complications, Treatment, Living with Myasthenia Gravis

Study your body

Study your body
Study your body

As myasthenia gravis affects each person differently so it is important to keep track of how your body is feeling throughout the day to help your doctor as well as for your own sake. The tracking might include the following:

  • Take note of your symptoms you experience most often, the time, and the duration of these symptoms
  • Note when you feel the strongest throughout the day
  • Take notes of all your doses and medicines
  • Exercise with caution

Exercising is a bit tricky with myasthenia gravis but look for the ideal exercise routine for you to maintain overall endurance and muscle strength. Try to avoid spending too much of your muscle strength and energy because that might tire you up more as well as limiting your body to engage in other activities.