Myasthenia Gravis : Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Pathophysiology, Complications, Treatment, Living with Myasthenia Gravis

Impaired speech (Dysarthria)

Impaired speech (Dysarthria)
Impaired speech (Dysarthria)

Myasthenia gravis affects the muscles involving with the production of voice thus causing disturbances in speech. Some o the commonly occurring speech disturbances that myasthenia gravis patients experience are slurred speech or hypernasal voice. A hoarse voice is one of the prominent symptoms of myasthenia gravis which is known as Dysphonia, which is more common among the older patients of myasthenia gravis. On the other hand, impaired speech known as Dysarthria is more common in younger patients of myasthenia gravis. The studies suggest that the impairment in speech occurs or get worse with extended speech or continuing of speech.