Ocular Migraine: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

How To Prevent Ocular Migraine

How To Prevent Ocular Migraine
How To Prevent Ocular Migraine

There is a famous saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” which simply means the first step to treat an illness is to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Decreasing screen time

Due to the advancement in technology and internet people nowadays are always on their phone. Staring at the bright lights of laptop and mobile screens more than 18 hours of the day not only causes ocular migraine, but also damages the retina and surrounding eye tissues. Avoiding exposure to mobile and laptops can help in maintaining eye health.

Avoiding loud music

Ocular migraines can seriously affect the lives of people. People suffering from severe ocular migraine should be very careful while traveling anywhere. Their ocular migraine can be easily triggered by horns and traffic noise while traveling. Patients suffering from ocular migraine should add noise canceling headphones as one the essential things to travel with. While living at home it is best to cover walls and floors with sound absorbing materials.

Wearing sunglasses

Sunglasses are good for dimming the intensity of light. People living in sunny and hot regions should always travel with sunglasses in order to avoid an ocular migraine. Sunglasses can also help at night times in lowering the intensity of street and car lights which is also a concern of people suffering from ocular migraine while driving and traveling at night.

Consuming vegetables

Eating healthy fruits and fresh vegetables can help in preventing ocular migraine. It is essential for the patient to eat healthy wherever he goes because anything can trigger ocular migraine. Vegetables are a prime source of natural nutrients and antitoxins. Avoiding drinks like red wine, beer, and smoking is necessary in order to prevent ocular migraines.

Consulting doctor immediately

The first time a person experiences an ocular migraine is the best time to consult the doctor. The doctors will examine and rule out other disorders that also result in vision impairments. Consult a doctor every time the symptoms start getting worse or if the time span increases. The doctors prescribe painkillers and necessary preventive measures.

Avoiding heat

Individuals having a higher risk of ocular migraine, especially living in hotter areas should only go out when necessary. Make sure to travel with a cap or an umbrella to avoid contact with the scorching sun rays. Carrying an umbrella and water bottle will also help in lowering the dehydration level.


Exercise and yoga play an important role in maintaining health. Exercise and yoga have been proved useful in avoiding migraines and ocular migraines. Consulting a trainer and asking about the right amount of hours one should exercise without increasing the pressure levels of the nerve can help in preventing migraine.

Seeking help

Another healthy and interactive way to prevent ocular migraine is by seeking help from close family and friends. Involving family and friends can help in many ways. Public gathering can help in reducing stress and depression. Friends and family can help a lot a while dealing with the symptoms and avoiding triggers. They can also look after you while visiting places with loud noise and bright lighting.