Shoulder Pain: Evaluation, Tests, and Diagnosis

Diagnostic Tests

Diagnostic Tests
Diagnostic Tests

Besides the physical exam, we sometimes need imaging studies to identify a diagnosis. The most common are plain radiographs, ultrasound scans, computed tomography, arthrography, and magnetic resonance imaging. The physical exam is usually enough, and no additional imaging study is needed.

After the physical exam, there is usually an initial suspicion. Based on that suspicion, doctors will order one type of exam or the other. For example, an ultrasound or MRI will probably provide helpful information when a soft tissue injury is suspected. Bony problems are better examined with CT and plain radiographs.

Imaging studies are usually performed in cases of severe injury and when pain is difficult to control. They are also recommended after a severe injury or when conservative therapy seems insufficient to solve the problem. In most cases, patients do not require any type of imaging test.