Sinus Infection (Sinusitis): Types, Causes, Symptoms, Risk Factors, Complications, Diagnosis and Treatment

Here Are Some Symptoms Of Sinus Infection

Pressure or pain in the sinuses
Pressure or pain in the sinuses

Pressure or pain in the sinuses

Facial pain is the most occurring symptom of sinus infection. You might have various sinuses below and above your eyes as well as behind the nose. Any of such air-filled cavities might hurt when you are having a sinus infection. Swelling and inflammation might lead to a sinus infection to pain with dull pressure. This might lead to inflammation that might differ from the typical path of mucus from the nose to the throat’s back. You might have the feeling of pain in:

  • Between your eyes
  • Your forehead
  • In your teeth and upper jaws
  • On each side of the nose

This might cause a headache. Headaches might lead to sinus infections where the sinuses are in other places.