Stomach Cancer : Symptoms, Causes, Stages, Diagnosis, Survival Rate, Cure and Treatment

There are many types of stomach cancer. [2]



Carcinoma is defined as the cancer in the epithelial lining. Our stomach is lined with a mucous lining that contains epithelial cells which secrete mucous. Any uncontrolled division in these cells causes stomach cancer. 90% of people diagnosed with stomach cancer fell into adenocarcinoma’s category. Gastric adenocarcinoma is further divided into two types:

  • Intestinal:

The abnormal growth of the cells near the stomach in the small intestines blocks the food from entering into the intestine. The treatment of this type of cancer is fairly easy when compared to diffuse gastric adenocarcinoma.

  • Diffuse:

This type of adenocarcinoma is termed as diffuse because it affects most of the stomach. The major reason behind this type of cancer is genetic mutations, and this is why it is difficult to cure.