Thigh Pain Prevention

How To Prevent Sciatica

How To Prevent Sciatica
How To Prevent Sciatica

Sciatica is a common problem that causes severe leg and back pain. In most cases, sciatica is triggered by sitting too long, living a sedentary lifestyle, and being obese. Thus, the main prevention strategies would be to do the opposite:

  • Take regular breaks from sitting: Get up at least every 20 minutes and walk around the office or home for five minutes or longer.
  • Stop being sedentary: Try to sit less and get up more often. This will help strengthen your back and legs and improve circulation to your lower body. You can go to the gym or do some exercises at home.
  • Use a standing desk: The only way to avoid chronic problems with your lower back and legs is to avoid sitting all day while working. An excellent way out is a standing desk, which allows you to work while standing. Some models allow you to alternate between standing and sitting positions.
  • Live a more active lifestyle: There is also evidence that regular exercise can help prevent sciatica. For example, people with strength training have less chance of developing sciatica. You could stop being sedentary by standing every hour or walking to the store. But if you actively increase your exercise levels, it will be even better to prevent this problem.
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects if you don’t know how to do it: This will help prevent your back from being overworked and overstretched. You should use all your body to lift heavy objects, and some people do it with the wrong technique, triggering muscle tension and sciatica problems.
  • Control your weight: Studies show that obesity contributes to sciatica symptoms. Thus, if you really want to get over thigh pain due to sciatica and prevent future problems, you should really keep in mind achieving a healthy weight according to your height.