Thrombocytopenia, Overview, Types, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Complications, Prevention, and Management


A low platelet count can be observed in the blood of pregnant women. It is also known as gestational thrombocytopenia and is not a disorder itself. Still, consistent observations of some women with uncomplicated pregnancies have shown a reduction in the platelet count. One of the reasons behind this is considered as the adjustment of platelet count during pregnancy. During the last (third) trimester of pregnancy or at the time of delivery, the platelet count shifts down a little bit. The possible reason for this is said that plasma level rises during pregnancy due to which platelets are diluted in a large volume of plasma and can cause low blood count. However, the condition goes away on its own in a few weeks after delivery and, therefore, is not considered as dangerous. However, if more drop of platelet count is seen in any pregnant woman, then it is important to consult the doctor to prevent any serious complications from occurring.