Thrombocytopenia, Overview, Types, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Complications, Prevention, and Management

Management of Thrombocytopenia

Normally low platelet level than average is not a big issue and not every person with low platelet count required any medical supervision. Sometimes the level comes back to normal on its own, or if any condition is causing it, then clearing up of that condition also brings back the normal. The history of a person can tell so much about the etiology of thrombocytopenia.

Lifestyle modifications

If the person is suffering from thrombocytopenia, then it becomes mandatory to set proper lifestyle because not taking care of the conditions result in severe complications.

  • As alcohol slows the production of platelets of the body; therefore, its consumption should be reduced, and the person should not drink alcohol.
  • Avoid contact with toxic chemicals, including pesticides and benzene, as they play a role in lowering the number of platelets in the body.
  • If you are suffering from thrombocytopenia, then the first line choice should be to avoid all the activities that can cause injury, including playing sports, bowing, or rustling. All these activities increase the risk of damage and can result in injury and blood loss.