Thrombocytopenia, Overview, Types, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Complications, Prevention, and Management

Common Causes of Thrombocytopenia

There are many factors and causes associated with low platelet count. The condition of thrombocytopenia can be inherited or acquired, which explains that the condition can pass from parents to their offspring through gene or the person may develop is over time. Sometimes the causes are unknown. Some of the most significant causes of thrombocytopenia include

Bone Marrow Problem

Bone marrow is a cluster of tissues present inside the bone. Platelets are produced in bone marrow, just like red and white blood cells. The bone marrow cells responsible for the production of platelets are called megakaryocytes. The megakaryocytes are the precursors of platelets, and they undergo a process of fragmentation and release over 1000 platelets per megakaryocyte. Any problem or defect in bone marrow can result in decreased platelet production. Less production of platelets is associated with thrombocytosis.