Thyroid Cancer (Overview, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Stages, Causes, and Treatment)

Top Causes Of Thyroid Cancer

The exact cause of cancer is unidentified, but some factors increase the risk of developing thyroid cancer. These risk factors are as the following:

Thyroid diseases: Having diseases related to thyroid, such as swelling of thyroid, goiter, adenomas, increases the risk of thyroid cancer, but these patients don’t necessarily need to develop thyroid cancer.

Exposure To Radiation

Studies showed that people who have exposure to radiation such as chemotherapy or atomic explosions might develop thyroid cancer some years later, and this risk increase of developing cancer is more in people with iodine deficiency.

Family History

The individuals having thyroid cancer patients in the family, such as children or siblings, have four times more chances of having cancer in life than the individuals who don’t have thyroid cancer in family history.

Genetic Disorders

Defected genes may pass from parents to children that might become the reason for thyroid cancer. For example, familial adenomatous polyposis is an inherited disorder that increases the chances of thyroid cancer.


Having body weight higher than normal is known as overweight, or obesity which increases the chances of many disorders such as thyroid cancer.

Increased production of hormones:
 There are some disorders in which the body produces a higher amount of hormones than normal, which may become the reason for thyroid cancer.

Diabetic Patients

Research shows that diabetic women have more risk of thyroid cancer than diabetic men.

The earlier history of cancer: The individuals who undergone some cancerous conditions such as testicular cancer, oesophageal cancer, breast cancer, and lymphoma cancer may develop thyroid cancer after treatment.

Diet low in iodine: The individuals who do not take a sufficient amount of iodine in their diet have more risk of developing thyroid cancer than the individuals who consume enough iodine.