Tinnitus : Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Complications, Treatment, Home Remedies & Prevention

Aspirin and other drugs

Aspirin and other drugs
Aspirin and other drugs

Certain medications in common use are seen to be ototoxic, which means that they are toxic for the functional process of the ears. Top of the chart among these is aspirin and other related NSAIDS. Salicylates in aspirin at high doses cause high-pitched tinnitus, by interfering with the neural pathways in the brain. It may also affect the signal transduction in the cochlea. Anxiolytic drugs and anti-depressants are other popular drugs which may cause tinnitus as a side-effect. Some antibiotics like gentamicin can also show similar side-effect. A number of drugs used as curative for heart problems are ototoxic. The list also included anti-malarial drugs.